Saturday, May 30, 2015

Journal Entry: Stories

I've like to write, since I once started hearing about Fan Fiction. My first full story that I completed long ago was a mix of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and Phineas and Ferb.

I know, two things like that wouldn't work together, but in my personal opinion, it did... sorta.

I wrote that story when I was about 15 years of age and have ever since tried completing all these great ideas. Reccently though, I've been wanting to write my own stories, with much more creative ideas. So, the idea was simple.

I won't always post the whole story, maybe a chapter or two, but I'm planning on writing some good stories in the future.  Wish me good luck.

-James R.

Friday, May 29, 2015

John Smith IV

"4) I discovered this leftover picture from one of our own Top Secret Project, Project:Tic-Toc. From what I found out, it was a Time Travel project.

In the background is Doug Phillips where he notices John Smith, our time traveler visiting this project and their scientist. What was he doing there?"

Well, I'll tell you guys.

If you noticed, the goverment was just using this project long ago as a test for time travel. This became problematic as it took too much money from the goverment and so they were going to shut down, before the project even began, so one of the senators from Washington D.C. told Director of the project, Doug Phillips that they needed to send someone in through the Time Tunnel, or get shut down.

Tony Newman, friend and collegue of Dr. Phillips, wanted to be the test subject to "Project: Tic-Toc" but Dr. Phillips didn't want that. So, Tony Newman tested the Time Tunnel and was sent back to 1912, In the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean. So, Doug Phillips went off to get his friend, carrying a newspaper containing the sinking of the Titanic. Doug Phillips was also dressed in the proper clothing for the time period.
This is the only colored picture of the Time Tunnel being active, probably from Tony Newman entering the tunnel.

According to the Notes left by Dr. Doug Phillips and Lt. General Heywood Kirk, when a person from 1968 goes into the Time Tunnel are bathed in a radiation that tracks the person across Space-Time and allows them to see where and when they are at using the Time Viewer to see across the corridor of time.

Another View of the Time Tunnel

Leftover concept art and design of "Project: Tic-Toc" to help make the underground facility. To help with the project was Irwin Allen, who helped keep the project secret by using the projects case files to help keep the ruse that it was a TV Show not really real.

Back to John Smith, why was he really there?

My theory is that he was there to try and convince Tony Newman not to go into the Time Tunnel. Apparently, he didn't listen, and must've helped the two Space-Time Tossed Travelers on their journey down the corridor of time. He must've also talked to Doug on the workings of the tunnel and the project itself.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

John Smith III 1/2

"3 1/2) While researching for the mysterious time traveler, I noticed another that kept on popping up in history. So while I looked for the elusive John Smith, I found another named: The Doctor.

Just like John Smith, he is a mystery, as well as a legend when it comes to history.

All I know is that there were reports of lights in the sky at one of the concerts of The Beatles when it happened, followed by the disappearance of both John Smith, and a Police Box that was nearby the concert.

There were some rumors and reports of this "Doctor" running into the Police Box. Some also reported hearing a weird machine sound, that sounded like breathing. But the most interesting was the report of a Hobo seeing John Smith disappear in a flash of light.
The red arrow points to The Doctor, sometime in the 1960's with The Beatles. Apparently, he knows them well."

According to some new info, it seems like The Doctor (as seen in the photo above) has gone with the same alias name that out mysterious time traveler has gone by, which is John Smith.

"The second red arrow (which I drew) shows John Smith, with The Doctor and band. Do these two know each other, or is it coincidence?"

So far, there is no proof that The (supposed) Doctor and John Smith know each other, and only by coincidence did another time traveler appear with another. Then again, there have been rumors of a Time Traveler's Convention at a known Time and Place. So, who knows?

John Smith III

"Proof continues with this man:
3) 1937, New York Shipping Harbor. A picture here, taken from a Shipping Harbor in New York (at least, that's what it looks like), and it appears that John Smith seems lost.

If you look, he is looking at his wristwatch, and slightly confused, or waiting for something. Next to him, he has placed down his hat. Could he have come here for some reasoning, or is he doing research?"

Digging into some info, I did find out this:

 (1) He asked questions about the area and even went as far as asked if this was the "beginning build of the Titanic". One of the men answered that the Titanic sank back in 1912. He nodded, then asked for the year. After the man replied and John, the supposed time traveler, breathed a sigh of relief, he ended up asking the other men different questions, as if to research something.

(2) While this happened, a similar, but slightly younger looking "Mr. Smith" asked what year it was. One of the men replied, to which he then replied by cursing under his breath and running off into a closet. They checked, but he was somehow gone.

(3) The Photogropher who took this picture gave me a letter, telling me not to open it until 2016 on the "merry month of May". He also claimed to have chat with the time traveler before on some info on what the furure would be like. "Oh, different." he claimed, "And the economy will take a nasty dip around the late 20th/ early 21rst Century."

John Smith II

Another Expert from the same place:

"2) Sometime around the 1920s to 1930s.
John Smith, our mysterious time traveler, appears again where he appears next to, what is known as the "Time Traveling Hipster".

A reporter who claims to have seen both Mr. Smith and the "other stranger" walking towards the newly made bridge.

Vague reports in the mid-west then report of "two strangers walking into a scene out of a science fiction story between space beings and these strangers." "

If you look right next to the odd looking fellow in the graphic shirt, what appears to be polorized sunglasses, and a modern-day jacket, you'll see John Smith. To note, it looks like he's trying to find something, as if he was searching for anything unusual.

The one next to "Mr. Smith" is a man known as the "Time Traveling Hipster" as he's dressed out of style in this time period.

Is Time Travel Real?

This is an expert from my Facebook page on a Time Traveler:

"Sorry I haven't been on Facebook in a while, but I have evidential proof that time travel exists and will post it as the Earth slowly turns, and time continues to march on.

1) Sometime within the Late 1800/Early 1900. A Time Traveler known as John Smith went walking around the factory, oddly dressed and carrying, what many described as a "whirring flashlight".

Sometime later, there was a unexpected explosion, and the screeching of a unearthly nature, followed by a figure, looking like John Smith, flying out of the building and landing in the water.

Some believe that he is dead, but I have proof that he isn't.

To Be Continued..."

This is the picture...
If you look in the background of this picture, you'll see the time traveler, oddly dressed as it was described in the info that I've found.

There will be more blog posts soon.

The Beginning of Something New

Hello there,

My name is James R. Not much of a name I know, but it's for... security reasons. In a world of little privacy, I would like to protect what very little I have, and use the rest to reach out to others where I can show the creative and imaginitive nature I have. I know that it seems like a bad idea, but it it's better than nothing.

I will post items here like stories, art, and other items of interest.

Note: I will probably use this place like a journal, except to write to others out in the world. People, creative people like you.

Wish me good luck.

-James R.

P.S: This is a picture I drew long ago, kept as a reminder.