Thursday, May 28, 2015

Is Time Travel Real?

This is an expert from my Facebook page on a Time Traveler:

"Sorry I haven't been on Facebook in a while, but I have evidential proof that time travel exists and will post it as the Earth slowly turns, and time continues to march on.

1) Sometime within the Late 1800/Early 1900. A Time Traveler known as John Smith went walking around the factory, oddly dressed and carrying, what many described as a "whirring flashlight".

Sometime later, there was a unexpected explosion, and the screeching of a unearthly nature, followed by a figure, looking like John Smith, flying out of the building and landing in the water.

Some believe that he is dead, but I have proof that he isn't.

To Be Continued..."

This is the picture...
If you look in the background of this picture, you'll see the time traveler, oddly dressed as it was described in the info that I've found.

There will be more blog posts soon.

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